Add a PDF file

You can add a PDF file to your website in two ways. You can add it with a link for people to open the PDF file or you can display it directly on a page. You can do that with the following steps:

  1. Go to Media -> Add New in the admin menu.
  2. Click on Select Files to upload your PDF file.
  3. In the message that shows up, click on Copy URL to clipboard.
  4. If you want to add a PDF file that you’ve already uploaded earlier to the Media Library, you can go to Media -> Library  and click on the PDF file. Then click on Copy URL to clipboard in the popup.
  5. Go to the page where you want to add the PDF file and edit it with Webpresso®.
  6. Add a Text widget to the page and create a link and paste the URL of the PDF file in the URL field. You can read here how to create a link.
  7. Alternatively, add a Button widget to the page and paste the URL of the PDF file in the Link field.
  8. Alternatively you can also embed the PDF into the page: Search for the widget PDF Embedder and paste the URL of the PDF file in the URL field. You can optionally give the PDF a title which will show up while the PDF is loading.


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